This tool is ONLY valid for those with a suspected penicillin allergy
(ie. to penicillin, amoxicillin, ampicillin)

Has it been five years or less since your reaction?
When you had the reaction, was there swelling or a formal diagnosis of anaphylaxis?
When you had the reaction, was there any rash that looked like this?
When you had the reaction, was any treatment given besides stopping the penicillin? If you are unsure, say "Yes".


To more accurately determine if you are appropriate for a challenge, answer the following:

Is there any chance you are pregnant?
Are you currently taking a beta-blocker (ie. bisoprolol)?
Have you been formally diagnosed with congestive heart failure, coronary plaque, heart valve issues, or an uncontrolled arrhythmia?
Do you have any of these lung issues?
Do you have any of the following?